Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Humour in the Home

You must be thinking, "What a corny title!" but I couldn't think of a better way to name this little episode of Home life. You know how in the Family we live with many different characters, some funny, some silly, some crazy, other serious, maybe a few grumps...but it all makes for a good laugh in the end. I think most of us would not survive living comunally without a sense of humour. So I have added a few things different homes members have said in the past few days that gave me a good laugh.

During devotions, Steve, who was reading from a computer on accident skipped a whole section, but the dilema was that he had already started the next prophecy. So everyone was giving advice and Stephie said: "Just finish the prophecy and then to go back and read the one you missed." "No," said Steve "They place it this way, aka: in order." (I nearly burst out giggling, Steve desire to use big words often leads to other interesting anecdotes...)

One time at the lunch table I was commenting to Gabe how cute his baby son Brendan was and how one day I would steal him. "They are not so hard to make" Gabe said "Babies I mean. Really Joy, you should try it's not that hard." "Maybe that's the problem..." I replied, he looked surprised and then mischievous as his face turned a few shades of red and he caught on--good enough for me!

Kiara having a confidential talk with her father said, "Daddy, sometimes when I think I hear thunder it's just Brendan going doo doo."

Over lunch time Kiara was told that Brian's hamster got sick and died. I walked into the kitchen oblivious to this and was startled to hear her annouce quite loudly, "Joy, Brian got sick and died!" her face screwed up in a frown."What?" I was at a loss. "Oh, no don't worry it was just his hamster." Lisa reasured Kiara and me and she burst into a smile, "Oh, I got mixed up!"

Often when going down the stairs Kiara had a tendency to dawdle till you were standing at the bottum of the stairs (having started at the same time) waiting for her who was still at the top. I think she found something interesting on every step which was exasperating especially when it seemed like it happen every time I was in a hurry. Trying to coax her to pick up the pace a little I ribbed her once, "I bet I can get down the staircase before you!" And it worked she tried harder to get down the stairs with a bit less distraction, till every time we approached them she got super competitive and cried when I 'won'. Finally I explained to her I would be happy to let her 'win' if she asked nicely to go first. Today at the staircase I forgot about the competition and sauntered down when Kiara asked me (poor thing was still halfway up the stairs): "Please, Joy, may I go first?" I was at the bottum and replied, "Hmmm, what do you think?" She cocked her head and thought for a few seconds, "You could come back up..."

What a cutie!!

So, that's all I can remember right now. Maybe there will be more in the future. Lots of love to all. I can't believe I'll be in Reunion soon!!!


Jessicah said...

Hey Joy, I like Kiara's humor there, such a smart girl and yes, she is a cutiepie. I miss her! And Brendan, a very attentive boy to Kiara(s teaching, ha, lol! I could hardly wait for u'r arrival my loves. C you in 2 days, yay!Muahhhh! ILY! Mama

Phil said...

what a brilliant child...(and kiara too!)
I can't believe you're going either....just mind-blowingly depressing! but have fun....sniff sniff

Anonymous said...

oh yay, I have found your blog, heheh, now I can follow your comings and goings, Love you XXX