Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hi y'all, how are you doing? I miss you guys so much! I'm sorry that we still don't have internet conection at the new house so we have to do trips here to the old house. And soon (on November 1st) we won't have this house anymore. Waaah.
Ok, so what's new you say? Well I dropped my cell phone in the toilet!! Just like that, plop I don't want you you soddy machine you had such a junkie sim-card anyway.--And Tim left me. Well, left me for two whole days. His home wanted him back to work over the week-end and so he had to go for a while. He is supposed to be coming here to this house here so we can spend WNR(just for the unlearned ignoramuses Word and REST...ahem, never get it these days) together...
Here's how the phone dropped in the toilet. I go to the lovely guest bathroom in my new house. I'm in quite a rush for whatever reason and think to myself: "Quick pull your phone out of your back pocket so that it doesn't drop in the toilet when you pull your pants down." Too much info I know, I know, but this is what happened. In the process of trying to save my phone I somehow fumbled and dropped it in "Sploosh". One second and my life of smsing turning into pee-pee. PTL, the Lord always has a reason for doing things. And you know me I have such a hard time losing or damaging things I own. I like to think I take good care of things (I think). But it took a few seconds to realize that I would have to fish that phone out of that toilet (I hadn't used it, btw. Gross you, I know what you were thinking). So I stick my hand expertely down the 'clean' toilet and voila dirty phone back to the real world.
And yay Tim is here with Michel and Meli. So I guess I must run. This is very short. But soon I will put up pictures from the move.
I have to add that I want to send tons of love to Sara, my sister!!! For some reason the Lord has told me to tell you that I love you so so so much. And this doesn't mean I don't love all the rest of you. Hugs and kisses to everyone.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MOVING...and Other things

Back again and very tired. Today the moving truck came as scheduled 9-ish (this is Africa nothing being on time is 'on time'). We spent the day loading the truck packing boxes, cleaning the house etc.
Poor Steve (Stephie's boyfriend) was in-charge of the "moving men" and it was a lot of work to make sure they were moving the right furniture to the right place that nothing broke, and all was done in decency and order.
Tim came here to our house late night to help with the move. Yay, I'm so happy!!! Hee hee anyways he helped with packing up the kitchen, which we had to leave till last minute with so many people wanting to eat! He worked so hard all day long, my poor baby. He went up to the new house to help set up the kitchen and cook dinner (did I mention he cooked lunch with the kitchen in a horrid mess?). He hasn't come back yet so I'm trying to cram some Internet time while he's gone. Since it's utterly useless to try and work at projects with him around...
Stephie went up to the new house to help Gabe and Nora with the kids. Very exciting time with boxes everywhere. Kiara has been a very good girl. So sweet and helpful. As a reward later this afternoon we watched "Wallace and Gromit" the one where they go to the moon. She loved it.
Phil and Ben from the Lynwood Home came to help. They were awesomely helpful with everything. Phil even helped me pack boxes! He folded my clothes and helped me sort through things. Since I was doing so much of the house packing I hardly had time to do my own. Anyways, every time people peeked in my room they started laughing that the reason we had big guys was to fold clothes. It was loads of fun and we talked and caught up on lost time.

We haven't seen very many people in a while because of the silly "German measles" which no body caught, btw. Just thought to add in my own little grudge there.
My poor baby love (Tim), he was quarantined from his own home! Stuck in a room and brought meals because he was the only one who had been directly in touch with the German measles home. And I hadn't seen him in ages it was fun fun fun to see him again. Hee hee.
His mom and dad came to drop him off last night and all of us young people were heading off to a dinner out. Rachel (Tim's Mom) while saying bye to me said: "Keep a good eye on him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble". I said: "Oh, I will I rule him with an iron hand!!" Steve and Tim seemed to find that hilarious and burst into laughter.--Hurt my feelings, if I do say so myself ;).

Dinner out was lots of fun. Stephie, Steve, Tim, and myself walked to the restaurant/bar just outside of our neighborhood. And I know what you are thinking: "What about all the dangerous robbers? This is South Africa after all." Well since there was two guys it's pretty safe, also we live in a very nice neighborhood. Compared to where we are going in the middle of boonie-land. Absolutely nothing cosmopolitan in walking distance which will be quite the switch from here. If anyone who has been here might recall.
Poor Anita's feet have been bothering her a lot and she also had a bad tummy bug so she was driven to the restaurant. Oh yes, did I tell you I had a tum tum episode of my own? Ugh, it was terrible every time after eating I'd get excruciating pain and have to lie down. "Joy, why didn't you just stop eating?" Well I guess cause everytime it was time to eat I'd be ravenous and I'd forget the pain in the hopes that something yummy would heal my stomach. Didn't work. Quite unfortunate.
Oh yeah, sorry got off picking daisies there. But you know, at least I'm not an Aquarian! They make picking daisies a living, no kidding. Try having a conversation with Mommy(Rose) or Peeonie (Pailine), like MAJOR DAISIE PICKING! I still love you guys ha ha ha.
So din dins was great. All for free and all of us ate so much and there was still money to spend. It was coupons for the food (they are friends of ours) and we were trying to eat enough to fill the coupons. But us girlies couldn't eat very much and we ended up trying to get the boys to eat and drink more. So then both of them ended up with a tummy ache!
On the way back Steve and Tim kept on complaining about their tummies. Steve even took to walking strange for a while. Which was hilarious and we us to poked fun of him. Both guys are slim and it was so funny to see them try to compete over tummy size. The dorks couldn't even stick out their tummies, ha ha!

Well, I am getting hungry! But the team from the new house still hasn't showed up with our dinner. Ah well I shall just die of starvation and make them regret doodling and taking so long.
Love to everybody. "Big hug, little hug, big kiss, little kiss"

P.S. Ever watch "Nacho Libre"? Looooooooooong story...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Birthday Celebration...Naughty Nineteen!

Here are some random pictures from my birthday celebration. My sweet sister Stephie organized it all and we had a blast. Check it out!

Above: Sweet must recognize us!

June with daughter Anita: right.

Jed, left and Noah right. Being crazy...

A picture of Gabe and Nora together. Aren't they cute?

Here I am. At my birthday celebration my sweet home set up. With a funny theme...COLORS! So I came in red, cause well I wanted to! See the tatoo on my back??? Hee hee...

The Smell of Smoke

So here is the picture of the great cottage that BURNED TO THE GROUND!! (Ahem, before it burned obviously.)
I know what you are thinking..."It's tiny!!" You are wrong. This is just the rendering of the photograph. I tell you, this cottage was quite a good size with several bed rooms, a bathroom, kitchenette etc (all of which the photo has not grasped).
So yeah, after the men spent weeks building lofts and tilling the floors it all went up in ashes. Exciting, no? I thought so at first...When I was there at, like, 2:00 am (meaning morning) and I didn't get to sleep until 4:00 am.
Yeah, the next morning the excitement had kinda worn off. And along came reality...ALL THAT WORK GONE! Believe me, it was work. I was cooking every meal every day. Heh, and I guess I had to get the vic. over not liking to cook here. There are lessons in everything, yep. I will post some pictures of the results of the fire soon. Lots of love. Keep praying for us.


I know this is late in coming but here it is finally. A picture of our new house in the Nature Reserve.

It's been such a fight to get this house and we are STILL not moved into it. We have moving trucks scheduled for the 22nd and 23rd of this month. Yay, so please pray for that. Thanks.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tim's SMSes

Like I said I'd put a post of a few smses that I've gotten over the past months. Just to let you know these are a very few compared to the numerous smses I get per day. Anyways I put a few silly ones up. This is probably temporary until Tim finds them and tells me that I shouldn't have put them up. I tried not to get the ones the were super personal. But just some goofy ones that he sends me every now and then.

Ha ha, my home just made a new rule: no one is allowed in my room but one! M. said: "The only person who is allowed is…JOY!" Hee hee
08/09 10:13

Art is a depiction of emotion. Emotion depicts love. Love is an embodiment of joy. And Joy, you’re a work of art.
03/09 08:02

Baby when can I call then. You are even less clearer than I in a speaking way, I’m uncertified of when such a time should occur in a path of talking.
27/08 19:47

Ha ha I just found one of your hairs its so long. I love it. I going to keep all of them in a box then make a bracelet with them. Hee hee
23/08 14:27

The kids are singing “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!
20/08 10:01

Good morning I was wondering if I could call you this evening cuz we never talk anymore. I’m going to call whether you want me to or not btw.
19/08 08:15

I managed to not sms u for AGES! But I must tell you this morning that your lips are red as a red red rose and your hair is like ebony. Your skin’s still yours. :*
16/08 8:32

I’m lying on my floor thinking about you. Miss you like crazy. Found a hair I think is yours it’s like 2 meters long.
14/08 14:15


Yay! I'm back here just to put a quick post and disclaimer. I just had to add a few things to let people (whoever reads this) know that I sometimes do come online and add things. I wish I could say that I was faithful but sadly it's not a trait yet with blogging. I guess I just have to make it a habit. Anyways, I know there was something I should put on my blog...
Yes, just came to me. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! It's come down to that. God help me. Hee hee...We have used the 'title' for a month or more. You'd have to ask him when it all started. For some reason I do not seem to have the talent to remember times/dates. I think it might bug him to know but lets just keep it a secret between you and me.
So yes, yes, yes, it's loads of fun and keeps me busy but lets not get into gory details in case my psycho sisters (what you have some too?) freak out and send me 'hate mail'. He smses me all sorts of hilarious and loving things. I've decided that my next post with have some of his smses to me. Ahhh, that's if he doesn't find out and kill me. But again just between me and you I hope I have some tricks up my sleeve to keep him from doing that.
OK this post has ended it's usefulness to me. Signing out...