Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hi y'all, how are you doing? I miss you guys so much! I'm sorry that we still don't have internet conection at the new house so we have to do trips here to the old house. And soon (on November 1st) we won't have this house anymore. Waaah.
Ok, so what's new you say? Well I dropped my cell phone in the toilet!! Just like that, plop I don't want you you soddy machine you had such a junkie sim-card anyway.--And Tim left me. Well, left me for two whole days. His home wanted him back to work over the week-end and so he had to go for a while. He is supposed to be coming here to this house here so we can spend WNR(just for the unlearned ignoramuses Word and REST...ahem, never get it these days) together...
Here's how the phone dropped in the toilet. I go to the lovely guest bathroom in my new house. I'm in quite a rush for whatever reason and think to myself: "Quick pull your phone out of your back pocket so that it doesn't drop in the toilet when you pull your pants down." Too much info I know, I know, but this is what happened. In the process of trying to save my phone I somehow fumbled and dropped it in "Sploosh". One second and my life of smsing turning into pee-pee. PTL, the Lord always has a reason for doing things. And you know me I have such a hard time losing or damaging things I own. I like to think I take good care of things (I think). But it took a few seconds to realize that I would have to fish that phone out of that toilet (I hadn't used it, btw. Gross you, I know what you were thinking). So I stick my hand expertely down the 'clean' toilet and voila dirty phone back to the real world.
And yay Tim is here with Michel and Meli. So I guess I must run. This is very short. But soon I will put up pictures from the move.
I have to add that I want to send tons of love to Sara, my sister!!! For some reason the Lord has told me to tell you that I love you so so so much. And this doesn't mean I don't love all the rest of you. Hugs and kisses to everyone.


Jessicah said...

My Joy, squeeze, don't jerk,so sorry that u'r dropped u'r phone. On top of it, in the toilet!!!! When Rose comes , I will send you my extra phone so u and Stephie have one each. How is that? Wait, till Pai read u'r blog. I bet, she will say "Gross Joy!", he, he! So sweet for making a special mention to Sarabou! ILY!

Phil said...

love to Sarah from me too.....dont' know why, don't even know her, but she's a virgo and thats cool enough:D
gosh but that phone must've been desperate to escape to commit suicide in such a fashion...what kind of a task master are you Joy:p I'll switch places with it in a flash...rubbing up to your bottom everyday, miao!! ok nobody freak.....this is all hypothetical hehe