Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yay! I'm back here just to put a quick post and disclaimer. I just had to add a few things to let people (whoever reads this) know that I sometimes do come online and add things. I wish I could say that I was faithful but sadly it's not a trait yet with blogging. I guess I just have to make it a habit. Anyways, I know there was something I should put on my blog...
Yes, just came to me. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! It's come down to that. God help me. Hee hee...We have used the 'title' for a month or more. You'd have to ask him when it all started. For some reason I do not seem to have the talent to remember times/dates. I think it might bug him to know but lets just keep it a secret between you and me.
So yes, yes, yes, it's loads of fun and keeps me busy but lets not get into gory details in case my psycho sisters (what you have some too?) freak out and send me 'hate mail'. He smses me all sorts of hilarious and loving things. I've decided that my next post with have some of his smses to me. Ahhh, that's if he doesn't find out and kill me. But again just between me and you I hope I have some tricks up my sleeve to keep him from doing that.
OK this post has ended it's usefulness to me. Signing out...


Anonymous said...

Here's your hate mail:

Although you didn't post any gory details, just the fact that you acknowledged that there are gory details is enough for you to merit hate mail.

Jessicah said...

Hey Pai, it's only minor gory details, ha, ha, lol!