Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Changes!-Aren't they fun?

Yay! Finally back online. It's my one chance to burn free and then it's back to days and days without Internet. I suppose that Stephie's blog talks all about us having no Internet? A real shame in this world of technology. I guess that's what we get for choosing a house out in the boonies. That is one big change for us! But we are working on it. Yes, well, some members in my home that is, not me, myself.
So we had a HUGE move. Lots of work and things to do and get done. Yup, there is still so much to get done. We are semi settled in. You have NO IDEA how many times I moved the furniture around in my room. Tons of times I thought I had the room settled but no, I couldn't keep such and such furniture.--Wait that table belongs to another place in the house etc. I just wished I could go out and buy my own set!!! Ok, calming down now. I finally found a way to make my room livable (besides the usual, keep clean and tidy up routine). I placed my 3/4 of a bed right under the large window. Rather larger in length than width. Now I have an amazing view whenever I choose to lie down. Heh, nice no? From the house you literally have a 360 view of the whole valley till the next range of hills! Absolutely gorgeous.
After the whole moving business. The home discussed and decided that it would be a nice idea
to have two day WNR. After lots of brain power from the home managers, Noah and myself. We concocted something we thought would work. It took a while to perfect it. In the long run everyone was scheduled two WNR days. I had Sunday and Monday off. Like a grand day out!
Sara from the Vine came over to spend Saturday night and Sunday with me. It was so much fun. Matt also came over Saturday night and we had a big slumber party in my lovely bedroom. It had still not recovered completely from the disastrous mess that they caused.
Sunday was fun and we walked in the nature reserved and watched the sun set. (did I tell you I can see it from my window?). Sunday night I went to the Vine to see Tim. We stayed there the night and it the morning went back home. Where all the S's (Sara, Stephie, and Steve) were waiting for us. We hung around relaxing. Watched some of "Doctor Who". In the afternoon we went to the mall. Tim, Sara and myself got the first ride there and we were all craving fish and chips so we stopped at a fast-food restaurant, yum-yum. Then we went by the Toy Shop (seriously, that's its name).
A few month back they had this barrel full of toy swords made out of Styrofoam. Gina and I being real silly grabbed the swords and were sword fighting. So seeing a few left over I engaged Tim (in the violent sense of the word). And I cut him to bits but like Gina, he doesn't realize that when you are a stump of a person with both arms and legs having been cut off (hypothetically speaking) you can't really keep swinging your sword. He took another tactic--running through the shop alleys. Not too heroic, if I say so myself. Nothing can escape my wrath! When I finally did catch him he wrestled a kiss from me. Oh well, they say relationships are give and take...Sara just laughed at us the whole time.
When Steve and Stephie came we chose a gift for Chrissy. It was his birthday on the 29th of October but what with all the movey type thingies we had to do all week long we didn't get out much. Then we went out and all had an ice cream. I got bubble-gum and choc-chip or so they named it. I've never had bubble-gum flavour before but I tell you I won't again. When Tim kissed me he was like: "Yuck, bubble-gum! Baby, what did you get bubble-gum for? It's such a gross flavour." And I like a true Libra had to find some way to save face: "To get you to stop kissing me of course!" Heh.
The day came to a close with Stephie and Tim running off together. A true elopement to find their happiness in Doritos. When we got home we grated cheese on it and melted the cheese on top. Yum yum. (Oh, but I've got to stop saying that). And Tim had to be driven home, sniff.

I hope you are all doing well. Sorry that I'm so goofy sometimes. I love you all and miss you. Photos coming soon. Don't miss it. I know I might if I don't get some soon. Mwa!


Jessicah said...

Hey Joy, so u'r elated to have u'r own big bedroom, huh! PTL! Joy, you & Gina was so loud during that sword fighting,I was embarrased that my lovley teens played like little tots, lol! It's good the sales clerk did not mind at all! lol! Youpee, 2 days WNR, what a good idea! All things are possible! Hallelujah! ILY honey! XXX

Stephie said...

Silly Joy, tsk, tsk, we did have fun though!

Anonymous said...

excuse me but as it happens you and sara ganged up on me and i was was pulverised. and theres NOTHING that says you cant beat someone repeatedly on the head with a foam sword.

Phil said...

ah settling in is wonderful....getting used to all the insects and antelope in your bed:P
That double wnr thing sounds awesome...of course mine wasn't on either of those days lol....it's such a miserable twist of fate that we never ever have on the same day.....ah but you guys had lots of fun it seems and that's great! You're so much fun and your goofiness is endearing lol...as is your skill with the blade