Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Photos

Here it is finally! I've decided to put some long aticipated photos of Stephie and myself up. I have a feeling she has done something similar on her blog, oh well, sisters are we not? Lots of love to all of you for being so patient.
Now, not to be vain but I have to say, the dress that I am wearing was a Christmas gift from Stephie to me. It's a VERY expensive designer dress and for some foolish reason at the New Year party I was in a rush to take it off and not get it dirty that the next day (after the party) I forgot it. I was so upset when I realized I had left it behind. All sorts of thoughts were racing through my head like: "I bet you one of the girl have noticed it and decided to nip it." or "It's been ripped, I know it, it's been ripped!" and "How could I be so dumb?!" Well, needless to say when I arrived home I raced to find a phone and call to ask about my lovely, lovely dress. The host was most accomodating and before I even said anything she told me she had recognized my dress and had passed it to a good friend that I would be seeing so I could pick it up that very night. Yay, all's well that ends well. So, I would love to stay and continue this post but it is late and I am very tired. I've also got a sore throat--need lots of prayer. Hugs and kisses to everyone!

This was actually taken on the 31st of December when we were off to a New Year's Party. But we thought to take advantage of the tree! (don't worry it wasn't harmed in the process)

Smile, you're on camera :)!

1 comment:

Phil said...

Thank the blessed Lord you didn't harm the was probably jealous come to think of it, so TTL it didn't hurt you either....I would never have forgiven it for ruining the NY's party for me by depriving me of your company:P